CORPORATE MEMBER 1. Briefly describe your business and its value for the clients. What is your competi- tive advantage? Kennedys is a leading global law firm special- izing in dispute resolution, corporate, com- mercial, insurance, reinsurance, regulatory, compliance, and advisory services. Operating Kennedys across diverse sectors, our expanding network spans the UK, US, Bermuda, APAC, EMEA, Activity sector: Latin America, and the Caribbean. We deliver Legal strategic, business-focused guidance on local Subsector of activity: and multi-jurisdictional matters, empowering Legal Services clients to proactively manage risks with a prag- matic and commercial perspective. Miami, FL 1111 Brickell Avenue 2. Why did you decide to become a member Suite 1300 Miami, FL 3313133131 of the Spain-US Chamber of Commerce? Our primary aim is to enhance visibility and cul- tivate meaningful connections within the com- +1 305 371 1111 F +1 305 374 8066 munity. We are particularly interested in engag- ing in networking opportunities and seminars we-are/latin-america-and-the- to actively participate in activities and services caribbean/miami-for-latin-america- that contribute to our community presence and and-the-caribbean/ relationship-building efforts. 26 MEET OUR NEW MEMBERS