Rick Barry’s story is a hidden gem. This NBA player had a “strange” way of shooting free throws, to put it nicely. Instead of shooting the ball over his head like everyone else, he would put it between his legs and shoot it “spoonwise”. With a pair of hands. Opponents laughed when they saw him throw. But the laughter was cut short when Rick crushed them in the field. Rick Barry had a shooting percentage of 90%, #1 of all time in the American Basket- ball Association. A guy called Michael Jordan had a shooting per- centage of 83.5% and J. M. Calderon almost 87%. Rick Barry ignored trends and with his style he won AND won a lot. He won the NBA championship ring in 1975, was selected eight times to the All-Star team and is the player with the highest points per game (36.3) in NBA Finals of all time. 74 FEATURED ARTICLES