GENERAL MEMBER 1.Briefly describe your business and its value for the clients. What is your competi- tive advantage? Lamaignere, a global freight forwarder, has earned the trust of customers in pivotal coun- tries, including the United States, Spain, Chile, Mexico, and Korea. Our company provides com- Lamaignere Cargo USA, prehensive logistics solutions, leveraging the LLC expertise of our specialists with extensive ex- perience in servicing the aerospace and solar Activity sector: energy industries, along with various infrastruc- Logistics ture supply sectors. Subsector of activity: Transport and Logistics 2. Why did you decide to become a member of the Spain-US Chamber of Commerce? Building business relations with members of 6735 NW 36th St, Miami, this Chamber. Our expectations are focused FL 33166, United States on offering logistic solutions for all members that required our services. +1 305-341-7328 36 MEET OUR NEW MEMBERS